Huntmor Tease Me Silly

DOB 13.08.2006
Owner: Jill Kiley, USA

hip and elbow tested - HD A, ED 0/0
prcd PRA clear - OptiGen A

I am very pleased that this nice girl came to live in my kennel. Silly is a valuable girl aquired from Huntmor Kenel in the USA. In Silly's pedigree some of the best american chocolates can be found. She is the only daughter of one of the top chocolate dogs - Am.Ch Lubberline Pumpernickle in Poland. Silly is also a granddaughter of the famous stud dog, sire of many nice animals - Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount. Other well-known labradors in her pedigree are Epoch's Edward of Bonaventure and Ch. Boradors Willcare Mastercopy. 




CH BISS Lubberline Pumpernickle CH Hunt Club Clayview Brown Derby Hunt Club Clayview Eli Dickendall Davaron Anslo JH
CeasarsCreek's Cassandra
Hunt Club Clayview Burnt Toast CH Baradors Willcare Mastercopy WC
Hunt Club Chocolate Eclaire
Lubberline Chocolate Factory Epoch's Edward of Bonaventure Keepsake's Beau Webster
Banner's Apple Butter
Lubberline Becket Ravones First Command at Rocheby
Lubberline Nautica
Huntmor Striptease Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount Epoch's Edward of Bonaventure Keepsake's Beau Webster
Banner's Apple Butter
Classique's Count on Me Am./Can. CH Beechcroft's Citadel CD WC
Beechcroft's Stargazer
Coldwaters CK Catamaran CH Boradors CK MAX Int./Fin CH '94 Wild CH Bubbling Bedoulne
Boradors Not Bad For Brown
Cldwter'sNSand BchsByCitadel Am./Can. CH Beechcroft Citadel CD WC
Coldwater's San Miguel Star